Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Layout

I had fun messing around with a new layout for my blog. I don't know if I'm completely happy with it yet, but I decided to leave it for now and get on to working on other things.
  • assignment due tomorrow that I've been putting off that I should really work on
  • put housing info into a spreadsheet so we can look at pros and cons easily
  • laundry
  • pack some stuff to move tomorrow
  • read an article or two for school
  • finish sewing up the seams on the baby booties I knit
Why is it so easy to procrastinate on things that are "less fun" and busy myself with things that I enjoy more? Someone once told me that when making a to-do list you should put the most difficult tasks at the beginning and then force yourself to work through the list in order. Maybe I should try that. No more blogging until I get my list above completed.

"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day" (Psalm 25:4-5). ♫


  1. What?! When did you learn to knit?!
    Good for you...hope you get your list done!
    PS I like the layout...but I want to make mine myself with my own you think that is possible?

  2. Definitely possible to make your own layout with your art. That would be cool. I had to do a lot of altering on this one to get it to fit right and I'm still not 100% happy with it because there isn't space for the stuff like "About Me" and my baby ticker to fit on the side like it used to be.

    I watched some videos online to brush up my knitting skills because I don't have a crochet hook up here and I really wanted to make baby booties. I just searched the internet for "Easy Baby Bootie Pattern" and then anything I didn't understand in the pattern I googled and watched a video to learn how to do it. It took me 3 hours to do my first bootie, but now I've nearly completed two pairs and they go a lot faster.

  3. cool. Good for you! I have been doing the same thing with crochet and have made a lot of fun stuff. :) It's pretty easy once you know what you are doing. I did spend about 8 hours on a project for you before I decided the heck with it and started over...I hope you will like it once it's done. I am trying to crochet most gifts this year.

  4. Dude, this is REALLY hard to read!

  5. Hey! I successfully commented! What in the world. :-) Not sure what was wrong before...I didn't do anything different.


About Me

- Disciple of Christ - Wife - Expectant mother - Linguist - Musician

Baby Countdown
